Oh what a life without a wife
This is my Blog. Thats it
People are said to be smart in schools because they enjoy studying. They dont want to give up studying cuz they love it so much. They want to find out about more and more and all this time they do not realise that they are being better off than the other students. Most students however find studying labourous and do not want to indulge in it when they feel that they do not have the need to do it.
My last exam is on the 16th November and I'll be flying home to my home sweet home soon. I havent seen my son yet, so I am really looking forward to seeing him. He was born when I was already here in Fiji so I havent seen him yet. He was four months old on the 25th October. He was born on the 25th of June. I am very proud of my first born son. I sometimes forget that I am a father but that is who I am- A father to a son.